Streamline Your Business with Retail Furniture ERP
100% true web-based front and back-office solution. The system works on most devices with internet access including tablets, cell phones, laptops, and PC. There is no software installation or app installation necessary for the software to work on a tablet or cell phone. Access to all system features is available on all the devices from any location at any time with no additional software needed if the user has permission to do so.
ALL DATA IS LIVE The system is a true internet-based software which means all data is read live from all devices at all locations meaning that the data is always up to date in real time which allows for on-the-spot decision making.
NOTE: Other software that require apps instead of being truly internet based often require a data dump, so information is not real time.
Setup and Settings:
Over years of doing business with hundreds of retailers EZ Process Pro has curated the absolute best repeatable processes to assist you in the long-term growth, efficiency and profitability of your company. We then automated most of those processes so that you just have to follow the path and reach the pot of gold! There are however things that will not negatively affect your business and one company may choose to operate different then another so we have compiled a massive settings tool that our launch team will guide you thru allowing you the flexibility to adjust the system to fit your needs and your companies long term goals.
Permission Controls:
Our all-encompassing location login and permission controls go beyond the standard departmental controls giving you a complete checks and balances of every area in your company. Every report, tool, process, and most data sets have their own permission. During the launch process you will be provided with assistance and instruction on how to create a best fit permission setup for your company’s needs. You can control more than just the information or processes that are accessed, you can even control the locations for which they can access certain information.
- Fully Automated Sales Module that is controlled by system settings automates the sale & pricing process, the reserve process, the ordering process and the delivery process all based on preset parameters determined by the business owners. It then communicates seamlessly with reporting, accounting, and commissions.
- In Stock & Special Order Picture Catalog Point of Sale Easy to use Picture Based Point of Sale (divides into In Stock Available to Sell, and a Full Catalog of everything the company can offer. For non-picture-based point of sale Quick Cash Register & Quick Sale / Barcode Sale can be used instead. There is no keying of item numbers, making sales entry faster and minimizing possible mistakes.
- Special Orders If a sale has been made and has reached the reserve process (the predetermined % that must be paid before reserve) the system will then check to see if the item is available for the customer. If it is not the item, then automatically placed on items for PO to be purchased in relation to the customer. If there is a direct connection between EZ Process Pro and the Vendor the business orders from, then the Purchase Order is automatically created and automatically entered as a sale in the Vendor system.
- Custom Orders An expandable database allows EZ Process Pro to track unique selection options on frames such as finish, fabric, pillows etc. Without the user having to key in every combination of every item. Once an item is ordered in the unique combination the system automatically follows the methodology for Special Orders described above.
- Layaway (With auto-draft technology)When a sale is made that has remaining unaccounted for balance (not finance or COD) then it is automatically considered a layaway. Layaway’s payments can be automated to increase revenue through the EZ Process Pro Auto Charge feature. There are also several reporting tools to track and contact nonpaying layaways.
- Resale Tax Certificate and Non-Profit form tracking During the sale process if a buyer provides a resale tax certificate or nonprofit form, the system saves all of the applicable data and provides it to accounting in an easy to view report format with links to the form data.
- Credit Card Processing Integrated into merchant services to swipe and sign credit card charges directly through the system. EZ Process Pro does not store any credit card data and all transactions are sent directly to the processor. Remain PCI compliant while eliminating extra phone lines and expensive hardware. All transaction history and signatures (other than card numbers) are stored directly in the system for easy retrieval.
- Balance Aware Auto Charge Auto Charge Layaways, CODs and In-House Finance accounts on a weekly, semimonthly or monthly basis. Payment Receipt or Transaction Failure message is automatically emailed to the client and the client’s account balance is automatically updated. Auto charge balance will auto adjust if the client makes an onsite or online payment. Auto charges that fail to clear continue to re-try every day until payment is made or account is updated.
- Automatically Updating Website (Communicates directly with system) A custom website is available that communicates directly with the system and vice versa. The website can see the system data and the system can see the website data allowing for auto updating website catalogs.
- Store Credit Tracking Store credits can be assigned to customers through refunds or manual entries. The system tracks store credits per client and allows them to be applied against future purchases. Per client and companywide store credit tracking and reporting is included.
- Layaways Service Fee Automated Deductions
- Restocking Fee
- Customer Editing Change basic information about a customer such as name, address, phone, email etc. Permission controlled as for antitheft.
- Sales Editing Permission and status-controlled edits allow the sale to be changed. Products can be changed as long as they are not delivered and if they must be brought back first. Prices and discounts can be changed only on undelivered items. Editing a sale is permission controlled.
- Letters to Clients Pre-Designed Thank You, Preferred Customer, and Marketing Letters (Print or Email)
- Comfort Exchange and Returns
- Catalog Clearing House Connection Connects directly to major manufacturers for automatic products, picture, and pricing updates as well as product availability and infomercials when available.
- Connection to Ashley Updates Catalogs, Costs & Availability in both the system and website. This includes kits, pictures, costs, availability, renderings, and infomercials when available. This includes new and discontinued items. Each read is client specific and shows their product and their product costs only. Updates are made automatically each night and reports of the changes are provided to the client before the change takes effect. Product availability is updated in real time through the Ashley API.
- Connection to Ashley Direct website sales talk directly to the system which talks to Ashley to automate the purchase order submission directly into Ashley and allow automated order tracking for both the company and the buyers.
- Barcode System (Hardware not included) Barcode system in sales, inventory, shipping and receiving. System works w any barcode readers that read the specified language. The system reads and generates barcode labels.
- Internal Message Board Messages can be quickly sent internally to one person, a group of people or the entire company to update them on meetings, customer messages, current specials etc. Messages are date and time stamped and can be responded.
- Sales History Reporting
- Catalog Clearing House Connection Connects directly to major manufacturers for automatic products, picture, and pricing updates as well as product availability and infomercials when available.
- Online catalog that connects to sales module
- Sales Persons Personal Area Personal area designed for staff to track and manage their own sales status, client’s payment history, clients with back orders, commissions, spiffs, appointment calendar, passwords and personal letters to clients. Barcode System (hardware not included)
- Custom Cost Codes Customizable code word setting to quickly view costs and minimum sling price at point of sale, when viewing inventory and during checkout. Total sale profit can also be shown in the code for sales (with permission). Price tags and barcode labels can also show the cost code mixed in with the date of printing so that it remains hidden.
- Sales Team Analytics Compares sales team members and their productivity.
- Auto updates for clients waiting on product Printed Letters, emails, and private customer login to receive product status which reads directly from the open purchase order area in the system.
- Quoted But Never Sold Report of all buyers that have been quoted but the quote never changed into a sale. Includes call log, notes, print letter generation and email letter generation. Can be reviewed by sales agent, by location or companywide from and to a date. Ecommerce buyers with a wish list but no purchase also included.
- QR Code Price Tags with Facebook Pixle Integration
- Top Buyer Report Export for upload to social media tools
- Marketing Reports including what a customer plans to purchase next
- Client File Notes integrated in to reporting details
- Inventory Tracking Inventory report available for entire company, by location, by manufacturer, by category, or by item. Details include totals in stock, reserved, locked, damaged, available and on order. Every quantity shows more details (reserved shows details of who the items are reserved for, quantity on order shows who they are on order for and when they are expected to arrive; damaged shows what is wrong with the item and where it is located)
- Inventory Movement Reports Track every item that moves in or out of inventory, the method of its movement (delivery, transfer, received from PO, adjustment etc), the user and the item value as it moves in and out of assets. This report can review an entire company, location, movement type, movement range or a single item movement.
- Memo tracking for all movement of goods Items are moved using memos. Delivery Memo, Transfer Memo, Service Memo, Bring Back Memo and Return to Vendor Memos are all numerically ordered.
- Comfort Exchange and Returns Easy brings back and exchange module built designed to eliminate product loses and track the financial changes do to the adjusted sale.
- Delivery Controls Through the back-office system, controls can be set to limit delivery availability by many criteria such as day, time period, time, zip code etc w manager override capability.
- Available but not Scheduled for pickup or delivery reporting.
- Shipping and Receiving Calendars
- Schedule Confirmation Call list with edit capabilities
- Warehouse Pick List List of items to pull for a client’s pickup or delivery. Includes isle, row and bin when bin inventory is in use.
- Bin Inventory
- Buying Recommendations and Product History
- Delivery Scheduling Module with availability limitations and override capabilities Schedule deliveries by day or week, date, time, time- period and zip code. Delivery calendars show current schedule and availability. Limitations and be set and overrides can be made by user with proper permission.
- Build a Truck Delivery Cubing and Purchase Order Cubing When generating deliveries this feature shows how many cubes have been filled for the truck the deliveries are assigned to as each delivery is added a total cube is shown to estimate when the truck or container is full. The same process is used when adding items to a purchase order.
- Generate all and Confirm all memo option If a company has many deliveries to do in a day all deliveries, back orders and bring backs can be generated and assigned to a truck at one time. At the end of the day, they can be confirmed completed in mass also.
- Damaged Goods Reports with Return to Vendor and Credit Request capabilities Items can be received as damaged, brought back from a client, and marked as damaged, or transferred to damaged. The damaged item report shows the origin of the item, what is wrong with it, who marked it as damaged along with other details. Damaged items can request a credit, replacement and generate a return to vendor memo.
- Inventory Cycle Counting and Comparison Reports Retake inventory allows cycle counting by location, manufacturer, or bin. Comparison reports show the initial count and value as compared to the new count and value so that management can authorize or review the changes before, they take effect. Once the changes are applied additional reports are available to tack the history of the adjustments
- Warehouse Pick list
- Just in Time Inventory, Buying Recommendations and Product History Reports generated to recommend product to buy based on sales history, ship time and current availability. Takes into consideration seasonal changes. Auto Reserve or Order Process A payment percentage point at which goods are to be reserved or ordered for a client is pre-determined upon set up. When a sale has been made and has reached the reserve process the system will then check to see if the item is available for the customer. If it is not, the item is then automatically placed on items for PO to be purchased in relation to the customer. In situations where there is a direct connection between EZ Process Pro and the Vendor the business orders from, then the Purchase Order is automatically created and automatically entered as a sale in the Vendor system.
- Barcode System comes with bar-coding feature. Barcodes can be used in making sales, receiving goods, deliver goods, take inventory and cycle counting inventory. (hardware not included) reads system generated or manufacturer generated barcodes.
- Custom Orders Tracking for product with unique finish, fabric, arm, cords etc. An expandable database allows the system to generate unique items out of frames based on their available option list without the business having to preset every combination. The system knows the up charge for the unique options and can apply them accordingly during point of sale. Those items with such options applied are tracked separately in sales, ordering, inventory, and reporting. For example, if 5 frames are in inventory but each frame is unique due to options, the system will show the breakdown.
- Check Printing
- Full accounting package: Revenue, Expenses, Income Statement, Accounts Receivable, Account Payable, Balance Sheet, Bank Ledger, Assets Tracking, Tax Reports etc
- Accounts Receivable Credit Card Processing with auto charge capability for Layaway, In House Finance and COD
- Accounts Payable with Check printing and auto bank ledger updates
- Credit Card Payables
- Tax (Sales tax; Payroll tax; W2, W3, 940, 941)
- Non- Taxable Sales Report with Resale Tax and Nonprofit Form Saving
- Financial Reports (Revenue, Expense, Receivables, Payables, Asset, Income Statement, Balance Sheet)
- Integrated Bank Ledger and account reconciliation (for multiple accounts)
- Merchant Services and Auto Charge Capabilities for layaway, COD and In House Finance
- General Ledger Entries and Modifications
- Adaptable All-Encompassing Employee Password Control (Complete checks and balances)
- Auto Commission, Spiff and Time clock posting for payroll processing
- Automated Payroll Module (Multiple pay periods available)
- Custom Commission and Spiff Calculations (Customized for each company)
- Employee Time Clock (Linked to Payroll)
- Internal Messaging / Email Module
- Payroll Tax 940, 941, W2 W3
- Custom In-House Financing Module featuring both Revolving and Term Contracts. (Links to Accounts Receivable, writes contracts; monthly /weekly billing; payment schedule; auto-draft payments)
- In House Financing Module: Covers both Term and Revolving contracts, billing , payments
- Balance Aware Auto Charge to collect In House Finance Payments
- Credit Reporting
- Credit Retriever
- Direct Submit & Instant Response Credit Applications
- External Finance Tracking: direct Submission to major finance companies and no credit check financing also tracks payments
- Tracking of finance company fee withholding to ensure it hits the accounting and commissions (if you so choose) properly.
REPORTS: (These are just a few)
- Excel and Search Compatible Reporting
- Advertising Module (Detailed Tracking of ROI: return on investments)
- Abundant Sales Reports and Graphs
- Sales Staff Comparison for sale amount, Collected, Profit and Gross Margin (by sold and by delivered)
- Location Sales comparison (by sold and by delivered)
- Customers with balance that stopped paying
- Supervisor Reports (Tracks all transactions for sales, warehouse, & operations departments
- Track all Product Memo
- Automated Cost and Price Lists
- Top Sellers
- All Items Sold
- Aging Inventory – Non-Seller
- Vendor and Category comparison report for sold or delivered
- Discontinued Item Report
- Customer Item Wish List Report
- Inventory Movement Report
- Additional Fee Report
- Edited Sales Report
- Price Tags with your logo and product images as available
- Bar-coding (Hardware available)
- Free Logo upload.
- Integrated Ecommerce website that connects ecommerce sales to system so clients can track orders, make payment, update account info, and apply for credit
- Free In-Depth Comprehensive Training Videos
- Launch Assistance and Launch Manager
- Free Training System with Written Directions
- Free manufacturer area download*
- One time Free Upload of Inventory, Employees, Clients, Receivables, Manufacturers, and Vendors
- 24x7x365 Tech Support Services (Weekdays 10-7 central and after-hours emergency support all other hours)
Take the First Step to Better Results
You had a great idea and a dream for a better life for you and your family but now you are drowning in the day-to-day operations of your business and struggling to not only reach your goals but to balance work and life. You are stressed in the morning and even more stressed at the end of the day. You know you could reach your goals with some guidance tools and techniques but have no clue where to get that kind of help!
By providing repeatable processes, automation, policies and techniques that have been proven to help entrepreneurs grow and prosper we help you reach your goals. We help furniture business owners run every area of their furniture business giving them CLARITY, CONFIDENCE & CONTROL so they can work less and make more.
We add more money to your bank account and meaning in your life!