Price Tag and Marketing Software for Furniture Stores
Marketing is used to bring customers in your door. Tagging is used to gain their interest once inside. Both are equally important. As a total business solution, EZ Process Pro provides you the website you need to get the customers in, the tags you need to keep them interested and the reports you need to know what methods of advertising are working.
EZ Process Pro has been developing integrated websites to communicate with our clients systems for many years. We have always felt there is strong value in having a system that runs your entire company, interact directly with your web marketing and e-business. Since EZ Process Pro was the first true 100% web based solution in our industry it has allowed us to do things other systems could not, such as make our systems and websites communicate. The integrated website is built to speak directly with your system. It allows you to maintain all product information on both your system and your website form one central point. Sales made on the website are automatically entered in to your EZ Process Pro system and tracked as sales made from location named WEBSITE. You will not need to move information or rekey sales. It is all automatic. Once the system receives a new e-commerce sale, all applicable processes such as ordering, reserving, arranging for delivery and updating the accounting happens instantly. Due to the communication between your system and website, customers can go to the website to make payments on their layaway, update their auto charge card on file and track their orders. Keeping your customers informed and able to manage their own account frees up your staff to make sales and handle daily operations. Now that the customers are in the store you want them excited about what they see. You will no longer have to slave over maintaining clean up to date price tags on your showroom floor. Nor will you have to spend your hard earned money on expensive pre-printed tags. EZ Process Pro clients benefit from one of the most innovative, cost efficient ways of quickly tagging an entire location Just click on "Print Price Tags" and select the items, sets or entire location you want to tag. Next choose the tag style and size you want., type in the suggested margin or price and let the system do the rest. Tags will instantly generate for every item included in your specified area. The graphic design team at EZ Process Pro will even designs a custom tag for your company to be included with the other graphic options. Since tagging is so EZ you can keep your sales floor exciting by constantly changing out your display tags.
Knowing what brought your customers in the door is of equal importance. Wasting money on marketing that is not working can hurt your company almost as quickly as theft. The Advertising Reports will show you comparative reports regarding where your customers are coming from, whether or not the return on investment for each method of advertising is worth the expense. When setting up the system you can decide if you want to require the staff to ask How did you hear about us? Advertising categories, specific ads and their costs are recorded into the system. As sales are made, the staff asks the customer how they heard about your company, which then drive the advertising reports. However, to help keep the results accurate, the advertising questions prompts the buyer. For example, often buyers will say internet, but if the staff member does not ask how they found you on the internet, then you will assume it is a search engine optimization working. When in reality they may have seen a flyer or hear about you from a friend but then did not know your address so they went on your website only as a research tool. These reports include both text and graph version. They compare all your methods of advertising and help to determine which are the most profitable. It is important to know what method actually brought the customer in regardless of how many times they have seen or heard about your company. If they saw or heard about you but it did not drive them to come in, then that marketing method is not working. The method that they remember is usually the one that brought them in to your store, so that is the one that worked.
Getting customers in to your store and making sure they purchase there doesn’t get any easier then this!
Department Features
- Directly linked to your system
- Easier to maintain product
- See all orders in your system
- Keep track of layaways just like if the sale was made in the store
- Allow customer to make a payment on layaway from your website even if they bought in the store
- Integrated with all Management and Financial Reports meaning all sales made on the website will be included in your reporting and based on the location website
- Able to reserve merchandise just like when a sale is made in the store (if YOUR reserve criteria is met)
- Client can log in to see the status of their orders, because as you update the order status on your system it will also do so in the website
- Graphic rich Home Page with Custom Added Pictures for marketing such as banners and specials (you have access to update specials and banners)
- Location List – Auto updates as you add locations to your EZ Process Pro system connected to Google Maps
- Contact Us – Reads from the contact information on your EZ Process Pro system and can be modified from there. Includes email forms for the customer to send emails to you
- Fully functioning integrated catalogs divided by category that read from both your systems database. Customizable to limit certain manufacturers or categories that you only want in your system but not on the website
- Automated item pricing. Much like your EZ Process Pro system, the items on the website can read from your systems prices or you can have the location “website” have different pricing them your store.
- Ecommerce Capable Shopping Cart with Merchant service Capability (charge the customer’s credit card on website)
- About Us – graphic rich page which can be modified from your systems website management tool
- SEO is a built in part of website – no additional fee
- Customer Login to track orders and make layaway payments. This information will read directly from your system and talk directly to your system. No outside website can do this.
- Layaway Payments – update your systems payment records and emails the customer a payment receipt.
- Finance Company Approval - Connection to finance company application and approval response to complete a sale
- Directly integrated into Manufacturers - For those manufacturers working directly with EZ Process Pro, your system and website can speak to them for updates.
- Delivery Controls- Flexible based on your company. You can set your delivery areas and the fees to those areas or connect to some of the manufacturers drop ship services for applicable product.
- Google Analytics – analyze where your visitors are coming from, what they looked at on your site, and how long they stayed
- Customer Data Capture for email marketing thru your EZ Process Pro system.
- Completely Responsive website (changes layout and size so that the website looks good on desktops, laptops, tablets, or phones)
- Connection to Ashley drop ship program (future customization)
- Optional integration into: youtube, facebook, twitter, and email marketing
- Automation: Since the item databases match, any sale made on your website (if you choose to turn on e commerce) will automatically ring up as a sale in your system under the sale location website. This is important because if the system and website did not talk you would have to manually key in every sale and back enter the money collected. Since they do communicate, everything is automated. A sale made on your website will be charged by your credit card processing account or marked as approved for financing. The system will then follow thru as if it’s a normal sale reserving or ordering the merchandise and then setting it up for delivery. Only EZ process Pro websites can communicate directly with EZ Process Pro. The money is then tracked the same as a regular sale in the system however you can pull reports specific to the website location.
- Catalog Clearing House: We are now integrated with Ashley as well as other major manufacturers to grab all item information, item updates, discontinued item notices and costs specific to your company on a nightly basis. This will make it so that you no longer have to maintain any of the Ashley catalogs in your system or your website. This feature alone will eliminate mistakes of accidently selling discontinued merchandise, eliminating the need to do catalog updates therefore saving valuable time, and ensure your system is always working off of the correct item cost for pricing purposes. We give you a place to store and upload all your other catalog pictures that are not auto updating so that the system can pull them and the catalog clearing house manufacturers together to give you a complete sales catalog. EZ Process Pro also directly connects to any manufacturer or distributor using our system so your retail purchase orders can be automated as well.
- Advertising Reports: The Advertising Reports will show you comparative reports regarding where your customers are coming from, whether or not the return on investment for each method of advertising is worth the expense. When setting up the system you can decide if you want to require the staff to ask How did you hear about us? Advertising categories, specific ads and their costs are recorded into the system. As sales are made, the staff asks the customer how they heard about your company which then drive the advertising reports. These reports include both text and graph version. They compare al your methods of advertising and help to determine which are the most profitable. It si important to know what method called the customer I to action regardless of how many times they have seen or heard about your company. The method that they remember and brought them in to your store is the method that worked.
Creating attractive and precise tags with accurate pricing calculations and all the necessary details for sales assistance or self-help by the customer can be very time-consuming.
Which marketing is bringing the most profitable customers into your store? Do your prices on your tags, Point of Sale, and websit Match? Do they include Freight? Do they include TOO MUCH information, allowing the customer to shop your competition and hamer you on price? Do your tags have all important information, setting up your sales people for success?
EZ Process Ro offers an incredibly versatile tagging solution, allowing you to print tags in various sizes, orientation, with several pre-designed graphics or use your own logo or product images.
The tags are automatically generated with either the system price or a discounted price, which already factors in all additional overhead costs, preventing you from pricing too low. You can choose which details to display on the tag, including cost codes and real item information, or use alternate IDs to hide information from the customer.
All tags can be printed with both barcode and QR codes that automate the link of the customer in your showroom to the page on your website.